Let's Ham It Up!

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Who's coming?
What could I do?
What's for lunch?
You may or may not know that an unattended microphone is usually a lure I have to work to resist. I blame 1970s cereal boxes and TV shows. The Partridge Family, Jackson 5 and the Osmonds may have all been professionals, but the Brady Bunch put on an impressive show. In our neighborhood, if someone got a recording on a cereal box, it almost always lead to a lip sync show. Or was it a sing along show for those performing?
In college, we had a No Talent Show, as in no talent required. No talent is required for my Hammy Birthday. Yet I know there's talent in the people I know. I've been to a TED-X, school plays, circus and dance performances. I've heard people play the guitar, the piano and sing. I even know people who do stand-up, I just haven't seen them. Still it's not for everyone. Please come out to play, whether in a role, performing or just in having fun. Hammy birthday to me!
I'm really looking forward to spending my birthday with friends and family having fun. Given the date, can you imagine how hard it is to plan a party on the day? After 60 years, I've decided to celebrate in the place where I am with those who make it. So I'm inviting all sorts of people I'd love to see with the understanding that most probably won't come. But I expect those of us who do will have a blast.
You know the saying, "Your presence is my present." Though I'm asking for a little more help, please don't bring any gifts. Choose what works for you in the way of participating. There are many things you could do. Many of us will perform. Some will organize. Some will clean up. Some will be a great audience and be friendly. Some will feed us. Will we have karaoke? Will anyone do improv? I hope there will be laughter, applause and good conversations.
Who's coming?
I'm hoping people I've known less than a year and ones I've known my entire life will come. Generally, I'm trying to follow Ben's example (for those of you who know who Ben is) and invite everyone I recall whose electronic contact information is to hand. Chances are you know some of the same people I do. Will they be attending? I don't know. It might be good to know others who are coming and if you agree, I can add names to this section. But you can also reach out to others if you'd want to see them or, better yet, work up an act with them. Even if I don't know someone, if they're in your act, they're invited. There is a limit to our number, so I want to keep tract of who will be coming (maybe is just fine). Given it's December 23rd and a Monday, I don't think we'll have to get an additional room. But we will if we get that big!
As for yourself, I won't change the date, but I also have chosen to have the event starting in the morning for people who will be traveling further than across town. If you would like someone to add to your act, if you would like a ride, a place to stay overnight or something else that would make it work for you, please let me know.
What could I do?
There are so many options for acts! Where could you get inspiration? Silas, Jessica and Ben inspired me with their rendition of a Monty Python skit. There's a scene in Adventures in Babysitting where the protagonist has to sing the blues to leave. She basically talks with some cords backing her up and it passes muster. Carol Burnett did so many funny things. Hammy! A haiku? A limerick? Or perhaps a skit, a dance, or a song will be your choice. We'll have a small stage with a piano and microphone. You have SO many options.
In the non-performing roles, we have another huge collection. You might bring a dish for lunch, supply props, stage manage, help me coordinate rides if we have people needing them or other things that might pop up. You could offer to provide a ride. There's always the set up and take down, too, of course. And finally, be my guest.
What's for lunch?
I'm going to have some warm food, it will be December. We'll have a full kitchen attached to our room with a stove, oven and dishwasher. I have all kinds of ideas right now and I'll try to get more organized and share as it develops. At this point, I have to get this up so I can formally tell people about the party!